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20th May 2016
GottaBe! Ethnic Welcomes A New Addition To The Team – The Digi-Van!
Digi-Vans are like the Batmobiles of direct marketing, a mobile billboard that can be driven directly to your intended target audience, fighting past the impracticalities of fixed billboards, to be...
18th May 2016
The Freshest Samples In Town
GottaBe! Ethnic has been providing a number of Asian Brand Ambassadors to work across London and the Midlands, on a mass sampling campaign for Dabur International. Dabur started from humble...
25th July 2014
What is the difference between Brand Ambassador and Promoter?
All over the world, marketing brands are naming their promotional staff differently. Agencies are using ‘Brand Ambassador’, ‘Reps’ and ‘Brand Advocate’, to name just a few, as an alternative to the more...