
Marketing Goodies by GottaBe! Launches

2nd November 2020

Calling all those with a sweet-tooth!

Here at GottaBe!, we are always on the lookout for how we can grow and develop our presence. We are active on social media, we are active at networking (albeit through Zoom now) and we are active on our website; so what more could we be doing? Well, this is what we had thought until we decided to test the waters on a new idea to both promote the agency, and also give insights to audiences. This idea was a marketing podcast.

Sharing Our Marketing Knowledge And Experience With Marketing Goodies

We thought about all the ways in which to share our breadth of knowledge and experience with you without making you feel like you have had to sign up or pay for said insights. The GottaBe! team has come together to share their collective experiences and backgrounds in relation to different topics within the marketing world.

Thus, Marketing Goodies by GottaBe! was born! The podcast is a weekly show that focusses on different topics each week and features a number of guests from a number of industries. On this season of Marketing Goodies by GottaBe!, you can expect episodes on Chinese marketing, student marketing, promotional merchandise, the BAME experience and influencer marketing.

Listen To Our Marketing Podcast, Marketing Goodies

If you would like to listen to Marketing Goodies by GottaBe!, please check out the player below. If you would like us to discuss a particular topic in a future episode, please get in touch with us on .

Let's see how we can work together