
Activating around key ethnic celebrations and events

Activating around key ethnic celebrations and events

With so many key religious and ethnic celebrations throughout the year, there are plenty of opportunities for brands to reach out and engage with Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) audiences in the UK. GottaBe! host this insightful webinar, discussing the importance of targeting BAME communities and how to take advantage of the various ethnic events and religious celebrations in order to successfully do so.

9.3 million people are living in the UK with the nationality of a different county, equating to 14% of the total population. An estimated 39% of migrants come from EU countries, so clearly being able to reach these audiences suitably and in a way which they trust is vital for businesses. GottaBe! has identified the best tried and tested ways of navigating and connecting and engaging with them. What’s more, 70% are looking to stay in the UK for the rest of their lives, creating a real need for multicultural marketing to be recognised and capitalised on now in preparation for the future…

During the webinar, Gottabe! shares some of their insight based on a recent study that the agency has conducted, followed by an overview of some of the work undertaken with the client around key multicultural events. The session will be followed by a panel discussion with consumers from an ethnic background as they share their attitudes towards marketing and the brands they feel are doing it well and not so well. They look at improvements brands could make in order to communicate more effectively through targeting campaigns towards key religious celebrations and events.

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The webinar was first hosted on 2nd September 2020.


00:00   Introduction and agency overview by Tomasz Dyl, founder of GottaBe!
00:20   Ethnic consumer discussion
00:40   Questions and answers
01:00   Close


Tomasz Dyl

Managing Director, GottaBe! Marketing
GottaBe! Marketing
The founder and director of the GottaBe! Marketing agency, which has been creating and executing advertising campaigns for brands such as Western Union, PayPal and Specsavers for over 13 years. An expert in the field of multicultural marketing, which involves targeting ethnic minorities in Great Britain and Ireland. In his campaigns, he uses programmatic; from targeting the Polish diaspora in America and Sweden to Ireland or Filipinos in Australia. He also teaches marketing at Solent University in Southampton.

Ewa Erdmann

Owner and Director, Certified Translator and Interpreter, Transliteria Polish Translations Ltd
Transliteria Polish Translations Ltd
Transliteria Polish Translations Limited provides marketing and legal translations that help you achieve your goals and get your tasks done.
Ewa Erdmann, a certified translator who runs the company, always crafts her translations to ensure that you are successful with what you want to achieve. Whatever you need your translation for, Ewa will help you achieve it.
Ewa is a member of the Chartered Institute of Linguistics and her clients include large global corporations as well as small local businesses and individuals.


Panelist, St. Vincent


Panelist, China


Panelist, India


Panelist, India


Panelist, Brazil


Panelist, Jamaica

Watch the webinar

Sharing their thoughts and knowledge are:

Tomasz Dyl

Managing Director, GottaBe! Marketing

Ewa Erdmann

Owner and Director, Certified Translator and Interpreter, Transliteria Polish Translations Ltd


Panelist, St. Vincent


Panelist, China


Panelist, India


Panelist, India


Panelist, Brazil


Panelist, Jamaica